
25 April 2022

What We Do at McGillicuddy Hospitality: Part 2

We are not consultants. Let me explain why.

Simply put, on our Ship Launch projects we begin at conception. They entail meticulously planning who is needed onsite and when, discussing with the builders appropriate and deliverable venue handovers, procuring accommodation and catering for the team, sourcing quarantine hotels, PCR tests and Booster vaccines to ensure the team members are in top health, and working with local vendors to maintain a high moral.

The next step is producing and delivering top quality training content, both virtually and in-person, empowering a formidable team to open the venue.

For us however, the real excitement begins when we arrive onsite to put all of our plans into action. Today, for example I was a nurse, a delivery boy, a socially-distanced-shoulder-to-cry-on, a Quarantine security guard and a food inspector. This was all before midday and on top of planning the PCR testing and departure of 270 crew.

We ensure all members of the team are taken care of from the moment they step off the airplane until they are safely onboard and in your care.

The beauty of a ship launch, and indeed any launch, is that all characters in play have to be adaptable, because the parts never stop moving. This is where we step into the limelight. Not only will we have a Plan B, but also a C D E F all the way to Z. Anticipating the unexpected in every scenario is what sets us apart, and we thrive in this fast-paced, reactive, problem-solving environment. This goes for any sector of the hospitality industry – be it a ship, hotel, or airline; we’re here to deliver exceptional service for world-class brands.

This is not to say we have not spent months planning every minute detail. Our armory is equipped to tackle every eventuality because we have already anticipated every eventuality!

Project Management, to us, is so much more than ensuring X is delivered. It’s planning and producing an excellent standard that will have a profound effect on the business – both internally to your employees and externally to your client. From conception through to delivery, and until that standard is engrained in your business culture.

We are not consultants. We do not provide you with a 60-page document on how to start up your ship. We work with you to establish an appropriate timeline, to find top vendors, to deliver a best in show product but, most importantly, we take care of a project, and its people, from conception until long after delivery.